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  • Who is Keung To - The forging of the Phoenix - VI

    Wrote by Mori - 22/08/2024 After the Ultimate Song Chart Awards, Keung To became the target of an unprecedented wave of online and print media attacks, unmatched in the history of Hong Kong's entertainment industry. The intensity and duration of this onslaught were akin to a carefully orchestrated storm, seemingly determined to shatter this rising star, who may have become an eyesore for some. In a commercial world where Keung To held numerous major advertising contracts, such a backlash was almost inevitable. One DJ, unable to stay silent, penned a candid article: "Are you genuinely criticizing, or do you just want him gone?" ©新假期 Many people believed that such a massive blow would leave Keung To down for good, yet once again he surprised his fans and others. Just like the mythical bird, rather than succumbing to these adversities, Keung To has consistently risen from the ashes, emerging stronger and more determined. On April 2, 2023, Keung To made his appearance at the HKT x WestKpopFest, marking his first public appearance and performance since January 1st. Fans, filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement, went to great lengths to secure tickets, eager to cheer on their idol in person. Many fans who couldn't get tickets still gathered outside the venue that night, holding up light boards to show their support. ©Media818 That night, Keung To performed six songs in a row. From his winning track "Super Champion" to the final song "Say I Love You With mask on" he didn't utter a single word. Instead, he silently conveyed his deepest thoughts through his performance. ©十二紙 It seems that since "Spiegel im Spiegel" he has taken a liking to debuting new songs on stage before they are officially released. This time was no exception. After performing "Master Class," he introduced a new track with an unusual and stunning C-pop style rarely seen before—"Dummy." With "Dummy," Keung To encapsulated the lessons he learned during the low points of the past four months. Dummy English translation © Keung To English Fanpage. As the final song was nearing its end, Keung To bowed deeply to the audience for a full 30 seconds. When reporters later asked him why, he explained that it was his way of apologizing to his fans, expressing that he felt he had let them down. ©HK reporter The media described his performance that night with the headline, "A Return to Form, a Powerful Comeback." One of the highlights of this comeback was the release of “Dummy” that was both commercially successful and critically acclaimed. This track allowed him to express more personal and introspective theme, connecting with his audience on a deeper level. His performance was of heightened emotional intensity and technical precision, further demonstrating his evolution as a performer. Moreover, Keung To’s comeback was not just about reclaiming his spot in the industry but also about proving his versatility and staying power. His ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and his unwavering dedication to his art solidified his career. This comeback is remembered not just for the success it brought but for the way it redefined Keung To as an artist who can weather any storm and emerge stronger, earning him even greater respect and admiration from his fans and peers.

  • Who is Keung To - From "My Favorite" to "My Least Favorite." - V

    Wrote by Mori 21/08/2024 Two days after the Awards ceremony, public opinion took a drastic turn led by netizens, haters and trolls. Accusations of unprofessionalism surfaced, claiming Keung To shouted rather than sang, had unclear diction, and that his offstage performance was disastrous and disrespectful to the event and other performers. One individual, claiming to speak on behalf of her mother who turned against him, penned a lengthy critique listing Keung's "Eight sins," which primarily targeted his character, was widely published in tabloids. Sugarcoated as criticisms the ongoing online bullying and insults became relentless, targeting not only him but later his fans, supporters, and even his family. Several YouTubers meticulously crafted content portraying him as crazy, some called him the biggest joke in the Music Industry. Mainstream media spent an entire month reposted edited images of his being overweight, and forum’s discussions mocking him as loony. Some even went to great lengths to request that Reaction KOLs review and critique his performance clips. For those three months, it wasn't just Keung To but also his supporters who went through a living hell. Hating Keung To seemed to be the new hype! KT gained notoriety, so to speak. For those who didn't know him before, their perception was mostly influenced by how netizens depicted him. Those who had always considered him overrated could hardly contain their satisfaction. A few of his fans chose to leave, unable to withstand the harassment and immense pressure of supporting him. Little did we know … It wasn't until a few months later that he finally revealed the fear he felt when the doctor informed him after surgery that he might never be able to dance again. Suddenly, many unanswered questions of that night found their answers. What I find truly interesting is that, Keung To is not a perfect person, yet people tend to overly expect him to do perfect things. He has never been afraid to show people his flaws and weakness. And it's precisely his imperfections that make him so captivating. Because in him, I can see the struggle of the side of myself that I often try to hide. If you asked whether he would do it again if given another chance, his answer would be an unequivocal YES. Because someone who embodies the unity of knowledge and action will choose to do what they believe is right, no matter how great the cost. Interviewed by Vogue Hong Kong, Keung To says : " From beginning to end, I have never regretted anything I did on stage, because for me it is a record of what I was thinking at that time, and can also tell everyone my truest emotions and feelings through the stage. I don’t think you can pretend on stage no matter what your state is. The audience will see what you pretend to be, so no matter whether my performance is good or bad, I don’t regret it. Because the magic of the stage allows me to fully release it at the moment, coupled with the interaction with the fans, this is the fun part." The Vogue Hong Kong interview from January 2024 in English and Chinese:

  • Who is Keung To - A night of mixed emotions - Part IV.

    Wrote by Mori - 15.08.2024 Three months prior, Keung To was injured in a celebrity basketball game organized by the radio channel"Commercial Radio Hong Kong, completely tearing ligaments and undergoing surgery to remove bone fragments from his knee. ©星島娛樂 Determined to return to the stage as soon as possible, he accelerated his recovery with shockwave therapy during recuperation. Naturally, fans were very worried and missed their idol, who was known for his laid-back style on social media. They were deeply concerned about his well-being. That night, Keung To did attended the awards ceremony (Ultimate Song Chart Awards de Hong Kong) with his teammates. Still recovering from his injury, he appeared slightly overweight, swollen, and less agile. Having been away from the spotlight for several months, his expression revealed unease, even a hint of defiance. When "Spiegel Im Spiegel" won fourth place in the Ultimate Song Chart Awards, no one expected him to perform, perhaps not even his own company, because clearly they hadn't arranged for any dancers. ©商業電台 Keung To could have easily used his injury as an excuse, thanked those he needed to, and returned to his seat. No one would have objected. However, how can you stop someone who is passionate about performing? Not even a torn ligament could deter him. The award-winning song itself is about self-struggle, inner conflict, self-reflection, and ultimately finding peace with oneself—a very personal and distinctly Keung To style of "non-mainstream" Cantonpop. That night, when Keung To began to sing, he suddenly dropped to his knees, allowing his “full of anguish” vocal to express the rage and frustration he felt at that moment. He rushed off the stage to get closer to the audience, to tell them, "I am back!" According to the audience's recollections, he was all lit and his actions brought an unexpected thrill to the otherwise routine awards ceremony, stirring the emotions of everyone present. To be honest, perhaps as someone accustomed to international concerts where performers often jump into the crowd and interact with fans, these actions might not seem particularly novel. That night, he won “My Favorite Song Award" for the third consecutive year with "What the wr says” ©商業電台 The performance was well-received, making it a seemingly perfect evening. However, the only concern everyone had was whether his injured leg might have been adversely affected. In the post-ceremony interview, he mentioned hoping that his primary doctor didn't watch the broadcast and asked the doctor not to be angry with him. ©am730 The interview ended with laughter, but a storm was quietly brewing beneath the surface.

  • Who is Keung To - Your actions are a reflection of your character - Part III.

    Aug 09 2024 wrote by Mori. Keung To once revealed his fondness for reading Laozi, suggesting that the Taoist concepts of the cosmos and natural flow deeply resonate with him. Taoism teaches that all living creatures must live in harmony with the universe and the energy found within it (chi). Taoism values simplicity, spontaneity and self-cultivation. However, in my humble opinion, rather than strictly adhering to Taoist and naturalist principles, his approach to his career seems to align more with Wang Yangming's philosophy of the unity of knowledge and action. Without action, there is no meaning. Keung To has often said that anyone can speak of grand principles, but how many actually take the steps to put them into practice? He truly aspires to be someone whose words and actions are consistently aligned. From his 4th solo song "Say I love you with mask on" Keung To has consistently used his music to convey his thoughts and reflections on his surroundings, expressing his genuine perspectives through his works. The next solo “Disease of loneliness" addresses fans struggling with emotional issues by sharing his personal experiences, offering solace for the kind of loneliness that can't be easily expressed or understood by others. The message is clear: don't be afraid, you are not alone, as if to say "I understand". © Keung To English Fanpage for the translation of this song. Because I have been through what you are experiencing. I’m here with you! Keung To is a highly observant, attentive, and sensitive individual. This side of him fills him with inspiration. But to some he is unpredictable, ever-changing, and doesn't play by the rules. He rarely explains or defends his actions. Instead of using words, he prefers to express his thoughts through concrete actions, embodying the phrase many now quote as his signature saying: "Let the work speak." This commitment to the unity of knowledge and action explains why some viewed his behavior as eccentric with no attempt to understand his feelings at Hong Kong Ultimate Song Chart Awards 2022 (01.01.2023). ©商業電台 01.01.2023 - music awards 2022. Some judge his stage performance to be eccentric without trying to understand his feelings following the accident that occurred in July 2022 during the concert of the boyband "Mirror" and his accident to his right knee in November 2022. ©星島娛樂 11.11.2022 - accident to his right knee in November 2022. © BBC news 28.07.2022 -Mirror: Huge screen falls on dancers at Hong Kong boy band concert

  • Who is Keung To - Keung To is anything but predictable - Part II.

    Wrote by Mori Aug 12 2024 For years, no singer had ever stepped off the stage and walked toward the crowd during a performance at an awards ceremony. It was predictable how polarizing the reaction to such a bold, unconventional move would be. But Keung To is anything but predictable. That could be the reason why some people find him inconsistent even erratic. He is not just someone who loves performing; he is someone who follows his heart 100% without calculation or concern for the consequences. He cares only about presenting his truest self on stage and live for that moment. Moreover, Keung To rarely repeats his performances; each time he makes adjustments to suit the occasion. This is also why his fans are especially eager to attend his live performances, often resorting to purchasing scalped tickets to get in. Here are examples for "Masterclass" 's presentation. ©keungshowhkfanclub - chill club A New stage - 19/06/2021 ©am730 - Keung To invité au concert de Hins Cheung "Thé Next 20 - 16/05/2021. Although Keung To doesn't have a high academic background, his love for reading is evident in his writing, which reveals his clear and thoughtful mindset. In his spare time, aside from playing basketball at local courts and jogging along the waterfront, he enjoys reading books and articles on philosophy and the cosmos. Perhaps due to his rapid rise to fame, he gravitates towards Taoist philosophy, particularly the concept of going with “the flow”. Going with the flow doesn't mean giving up or being complacent. It means following the course of things in a natural, non-forced, calm way, in rhythm with nature, without ever falling into excess or, on the contrary, into passivity. Quite the opposite, the day after his consecutive win at the Ultimate Song Chart Awards de 2021, he appeared on radio interviews to discuss his ninth solo track, "spiegel im spiegel " He genuinely believes that his acceptance speech will come true in the future. “I say it with a lot of confidence, here in Hong Kong, we will definitely become the top 1 of Asia.” Even before entering the industry, he had already set goals for himself. Winning the awards and achieving a certain level of recognition gave him the momentum he needed to inject fresh elements into the music industry and contribute as a part of Hong Kong's music scene. The gap between reality and ideal. Perhaps some feels that the market is oversaturated with formulaic love songs. The style and choreography of "Mirror in Mirror," however, undoubtedly rekindled the passion of fans who had almost given up on Cantonese music. For some, this song represents a milestone in the evolution of Cantonese music. It's as if a new path was forcibly carved out in front of a "No Entry" sign, challenging the traditional norms and boundaries that many have been reluctant to cross in Cantonese music. This song " Spiegel im Spiegel" is controversial and remains so. That said, it carries messages that are truly worth discussing. This song is inspired by the concept "looking-glass self" of the American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley for whom the image of oneself (looking-glass self) is always constructed in the eyes of others. Translation of the song in English: Considered by some fans as part of a trilogy (along with "Masterclass” and "Dummy"), it is also the work that almost caused Keung To's fall from grace, nearly shattering him in the process. Keung To has said that no matter what this song brings him - Fame or shame - it will remain his most favorite.

  • Who is Keung To, really ? Part I

    Who is Keung To, really? Aug 07 2024 by Mori. If you want to truly understand Keung To's work, you first need to have a basic understanding of who he is as a person. And whether this is the real him or just a crafted persona is something that can only be glimpsed through careful observation. But what can reveal a person's true self more than how they act in both their moments of glory and their darkest times? Amid the turbulent times in Hong Kong, Keung To emerged as a standout figure in the long-dormant music scene. With no background or formal training, he relied solely on passion and determination to be a successful artist. As an amateur, he entered a televised singing competition, where most contestants were seasoned veterans (mostly dancers) within the industry. Against all odds, he captured the hearts of both the professional judging panel and the audience, winning the competition with the highest scores from both groups. From being seen as an underdog—enduring a childhood marked by obesity, loneliness, and bullying, without a university degree or any formal training in music or dance—Yet, many cannot deny the undeniable fact: the stage presence he exudes the moment he steps onto the stage. You either have it or you don’t. Still, this pressure of his newfound championship title weighed heavily on him. These pressures gradually became more apparent as his popularity soared later in his career. As the champion, Keung To did not receive any special treatment. Upon debuting, he joined the boy band Mirror, which consisted of 11 other contestants from the competition, becoming just one member of the group. His solo career didn’t truly take off until a year later. His first solo track, "No. 1 Seed," reflected his preference for R&B. However, as a newcomer, he had little say in the selection of his songs. It wasn't until his fourth solo single, "Say I Love You with mask on” that Keung To began to take creative control, marking the emergence of his signature style. This uplifting song captures the act of expressing love despite the physical barrier of a mask during the pandemic. A special tribute for the medical community, a message of hope for the audience, that dark days will pass. It was precisely this song that earned him the honors of "My Favorite Male Singer" and "My Favorite Song" at the 2021 Ultimate Song Chart Awards. At just 21 Keung To became the youngest artist in history to win both prestigious awards. He then won both awards the following year with the song "Dear my friend", and secured two more victories for "My Favorite Song," with "what the work says" and "waves" making it four consecutive wins. The Ultimate Song Chart Awards stirred the stagnant waters of the Cantonese music scene that night. "Who is Keung To?" became the burning question across major online forums, even drawing the attention of independent media outlets that typically focused on politics or economics, eager to join the discussion about the results. Love him or hate him, he became a true "traffic magnet” over the internet since that day with people watching his every move.

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